Work From Home Tips On Having Fun While Being Productive
Attention to all my freelancers, side hustlers, and blogger babes! This one’s for you!
I get so much done when I work from home – said EVERYONE WORKING FROM HOME.
At first, working from home can feel like a complete setup for some of the most unproductive days of our work lives. That’s because our homes are filled with unintentional distractions. Something as simple as searching the internet to answer the question of a fellow colleague can turn into an unnecessary google search to see how many cows live in Asia. The number one thing the no one wants to hear about working from home is that if you aren’t able to get anything done it is your own fault. But let’s be honest here, who else are you going to blame? It’s our responsibility to set ourselves up for success at home just as we would anywhere else in the world!
Incorporate a solid morning routine
Having a solid morning routine is a major key to productivity. It took me a while to finally create a morning routine that sets the right tone for me. You set the tone for you day from the moment you open your eyes in the morning – even if it is to turn off that first warning alarm. So from the time you open your eyes to the time you start on the first work task, you want to be sure you’re using you’re energy wisely. Gradually build up to the mood you want to operate at for the day.
Eat a healthy breakfast.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, because it sets the tone for your body. So, why not make it special too? Treat yourself to a smoothie bowl inspired by you’re favorite vegan cafe. Get creative and whip yourself up a homemade plate of those cool Double Berry Banana Pancakes that you tried at Denny’s. You’ll appreciate the time and effort you put into creating this special breakfast when take the first few bites in the comfort of your own home instead of at the restaurant. Who knows, you might even do stuff like this more often! It’s pays to treat yourself to homemade delicacies because it saves coins too!
Prepare for your day as if you were physically going to work.
I prepare an entire shift for myself. I have a start time, an end time, a lunch break and multiple 15 minute breaks to give myself peace of mind and get any other tasks out of the way. Just whatever you do, don’t be late for work! There’s literally no reason to be late for work when you’re working from home. What excuse can you make up? There was a traffic jam in the hallway? There was a coffee accident? You’d be better off showing up to that video conference on time in your mixed matched pj’s.
Take breaks
Forget about whatever you were just working on and take a breather. When you’re doing something you enjoy, a 15 minute break is actually rewarding. Take that time to stretch, step outside, or grab a snack.
Put on a bra
Not a sports bra, an actual bra. I’ll admit I feel less inclined to put on a bra when I’m at home too, but putting on an actual bra is like night and day. It’s like adding structure back into my life. This way I can also feel that same sense of freedom that I feel if I was coming home from a long day at work. Taking off your bra is a stress reliever.
Set alarms for breaks & reminders for tasks
Remember getting to class before the school bell rang and having tasks assigned by your teacher? Well this tip is basically all of that but applied to real life. Yes, this may sound a little juvenile but this tip will help add some guidance and structure to your workday too. Since you’ll hopefully already be awake, the alarms don’t need to be as loud as a car horn. Something to gently remind you to step away from or return to your desk is sufficient. Same goes for your reminders. Instead of losing track of the day, you’ll be completely aware of when to take a break and when to turn in certain tasks.
Unplug from social media
The biggest distraction is ours phones. I can’t tell you how many times I “lost” my phone while working on the blog at home and it actually ended up being a benefit to my productivity. I won’t tell you to turn it off, or leave it in another room only because for most of us, it’s the only way we can be contacted in case of an emergency. However, do yourself a favor and at least out in in your drawer or leave it on the other side of the room. This way you won’t feel too tempted to open social media and start scrolling down the endless rabbit hole.
Close your door
Remember taking a test in high school and having to put up folders around your desk to block others from looking at your paper? Well this method also works for increasing productivity. There are so many distractions in our homes. From the television to other people we may live with. Do yourself a favor & kindly isolate yourself from all of those distractions by closing the door. If you don’t have a door, then find the nearest corner or create a one. This’ll direct your gaze away from any distractions too.
Decorate your workspace with motivation
Think about your favorite motivational quote, somebody that motivates you, or maybe a goal you want to achieve. Theses are all things that deserve a spotlight in your work space. Put it in a place you’ll see frequently to remind you to keep going.
Work from various spaces throughout your home one day a week.
Remember that day you spent working at the cafe? Or maybe that time you went on vacation and decided to do some work while enjoying the view? You can do the same thing at home. Go to the veranda or patio and enjoy the outdoors while typing up some ideas. Fix yourself a cup of tea, a quick snack, while you sit in the kitchen. You could even have a lazy day and stay in bed while working in your pj’s. The advantage of being able to be at home is you can almost work however you want. You can create a cafe scene in you kitchen and have mimosas! You can recreate a movie scene in your living room and talk on the phone. Or you can live life like its golden in your bed all day butt ass naked! It’s your life honey!
Get creative
Have windows? Open them up and enjoy the view. Have a blank wall? Tack or tape up some inspirational quotes to keep your motivated throughout the day. Miss the hustle and bustle of a nine-to-five? Stream a YouTube video in the background of people traveling in different cities, like the ones with people walking through NYC. Whatever you do, make sure you enjoy yourself.
Most importantly clock out at the end of your shift!
When it’s time to go, it’s time to go! Seriously. Step away from the monitor and give yourself some much needed rest and relaxation. Just because you’re working from the comfort of your home doesn’t mean you should work overtime – unless you didn’t meet that deadline. If you plan your days accordingly then you’ll be able to reserve that energy for another day! You owe it to yourself to unwind and recharge.
These tips have really helped me nail down being productivity while enjoying what I do, and I hope they help you too!
Working from home doesn’t have to feel unproductive and boring. Since you’re working from home, you have an advantage over many people that have to physically be at work don’t have – a controllable work environment. So make it an enjoyable work experience for yourself everyday!
While, it has been a nice change to be working from home I have found myself in recent weeks starting to get antsy throughout the day. So in order to stay productive I am finding that if I take a walk when I first get up in the morning and again in the afternoon I am no longer feeling anxious and I can get my work done.
Thank you for sharing such helpful tips!
Happy Friday!